Caring for those in need



The ASM Clinic has been rendering Primary Health Care to rural people since 1990. Currently the ASM Clinic renders Primary Health Care in the following two locations in the Mbombela sub-district of Ehlanzeni, Mpumalanga:

-Peebles Valley bordering on the Masoyi Tribal Trust,

-The township of Msholozi just outside White River.

Our heart is to reach people who usually struggle to access public health services. Sometimes the struggle is physical such as the need to walk long distances to the nearest government clinic. Sometimes the challenge is finding taxi fare to travel to the clinic, as in the case of farm workers at Kiepersol or residents of Msholozi. Other times the obstacle to accessing health services in a timely fashion could be cultural beliefs and practices. And in some instances it could even be the attitude of local South African people or public health workers who treat foreign people unkindly and disrespectfully.

The mandate of the ASM Clinic is to love and care for ALL people in need! The motivating scripture for our team of dedicated staff and volunteers is found in Matthew 25 verse 40:

“And the King will say, I tell you the truth, when you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

Partner With Us

The ASM Clinic is dependent on donor funding for operational costs. Although some funding for the Clinics is derived from a small consultation fee charged at the Peebles and Msholozi Clinics, this only covers approximately 15% of the running costs. The rest of the funding is acquired from Trust Funds, businessmen, churches and individuals who partner with us and make it possible for ASM Clinic team to serve our local community. Each donation is greatly appreciated and helps us to offer the best possible care to the patients.

How may we help you?

Here are a few of our community services.

Child Health Care

Health care for children 0-5 years.

Acute Medical Care

Medical care for older children and adults.

Chronic Disease

Screening for and caring for those living with chronic disease.

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